I was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin mantle cell lymphoma in August 2007 in my bone marrow. Intensive chemotherapy was administered and as a result I was cancer-free and in remission. However, this particular is not cured through chemo. From what I have read, the only possible cure is through stem cell replacement. In the spring of 2008, I was told about Anvirzel by an acquaintance. I began investigating. After finding out all I could (even visiting the grower of the oleander plants and seeing his crop), I asked my Oncologist about using the Anvirzel®. Her response was, “Go for it.” After discussing with my children, I began my paperwork for approvals and subsequently started my Anvirzel treatments. The purpose of my taking Anvirzel is to build up my immune system to keep the cancer cells at a minimum. It is doing just that. After five years I am carrying only a very low percentage of cancer cells. No chemo required since my treatment in 2007. “I strongly recommend Anvirzel® to anyone.


December, 2023