Medical Overview
Medical Overview
In order for our medical staff to be able to accurately determine acceptability and proper dosage, patients will be required to submit their medical records to the offices of Salud Integral for review by our medical staff prior to being accepted for Anvirzel™ therapy.
Patients need to provide the completed Medical Overview Form and copies of their medical records that include physician report summaries of their current status and prognosis, medical history, evolution of disease and laboratory test results (Blood Work results and interpretations of Biopsy/Pathology, CAT Scans, MRI, PET etc.).
(Best completed in Google Chrome or Firefox Browser, you may get errors if viewed and completed in Internet Explorer Browser.)
Optionally, you may download, complete and return to us this PDF Version of the questionnaire.
PLEASE NOTE: The Adobe Acrobat Reader or similar is needed to open and view this file.