A manuscript describing the results of the Phase I trial of PBI-05204 conducted at the Univ. Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center has been published in Investigational New Drugs.
June 6, 2014

The title and authors are: First-In-Human Study of PBI-05204, an Oleander-Derived Inhibitor of Akt, FGF-2, NF-kB and p70S6K, In Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors. D.S. Hong, H. Henary, G.S. Falchook, A. Naing, S. Fu, S. Moulder, J.J. Wheler, A. Tsimberidou, J.B. Durand, R. Khan, M. Johansen, P. Yang, R.A. Newman and R. Kurzrock. Investigational New Drugs, June, 2014. PMID: 24919855